Saturday, August 12, 2006

Stain on Couch

I've been going over some final revisions on my sermon for tomorrow morning, and I accidently got some black pen marks on my sofa. I didn't know what exactly to do, so I went online to see if there was information on cleaning microfiber furniture. I came across this site, and found it hillarious! You need to check it out. And if you know how to get rid of pen marks, let me know tomorrow at church! Soap and warm water didn't work.


Anonymous said...

that makes me never want to sit on a couch again.

Anonymous said...

Hairspray and water. Seriously. Make sure you use cold water. Didn't you watch Full House growing up? There was an episode on that once. But seriously, it works like a charm. : )

Mike Ganiere said...

I suggest paying the extra cash for scotchguard next time. You can have a paintball party and they'll give you a new couch if you ruin yours.