Last night I performed a funeral service up at 90th and Capitol. I had met with family members on Sunday, and they requested that a strong appeal for salvation be made that night, and so I obliged. I talked about how God can bring purpose, wisdom and comfort in trials. And ultimately trials will push us towards a deeper relationship with God, or we'll pull away from Him. What an awesome opportunity to affect the atmosphere of that service and family, presenting the truth of Jesus.
As I was walking out of the funeral home, I noticed two guys about my age wearing shirts and ties, and holding books. Immediately my 'Mormon' radar went off, and we met each other in the middle of the street. (Each of us had an interest in meeting!) I asked what they were up to, asked why they're mormon, what change this has made in their lives, and what motivates them to go door to door sharing their faith.
Then I answered those questions for them, told them about my relationship with Jesus, and invited them to Crossroads, of course! Their devotion to sharing their faith really challenged me. Was the mormon's devotion to their faith stronger than my devotion to Jesus? For whoever was stronger in their faith would be the one to control the atmosphere, greatly affecting our meeting. This will be our topic tonight in Crossroads, and I look forward to seeing you there!
In my new sales job we talk about something just like that, controlling the conversation. Whoever has control makes the calls. I know that in our attempts at evangelism we ought not to be as abrasive as the sales world can often get, but we ought to be passionate about what we believe.
Good call Pastor Jon!
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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