I know I’m not alone in feeling punk’d from time to time. People let us down, including close friends and people in the church. My natural response is to either become angry or blow such individuals off. After all, this is a big church, and I don’t have to like everyone, right?
I think I would be missing out on something huge if I let my natural instincts take their course. I sense that God has been molding my heart to become more like his, so I could get just a small taste of what it means to love unconditionally. To love others when we don’t feel loved back. To love those who have said things unkind. To love others so much that our first reaction to an offense is to rush to forgive and reconcile. To love the way God loves us. None of us has to think too hard of a time that we’ve punk’d God in the recent past, and yet look at the incredible friend He is to us.
I’m praying that God makes me that kind of friend.
Gosh, Jon, is this all because I couldn't help yesterday? Man, I really wanted to, but my capacity to understand was a stumbling block for you!! Oh to fully grasp the depth of your knowledge, oh, great Crossroads leader!
Ha ha Mike. No, the only area you've 'punk'd' us is by not giving us more writings on your blog! Get to it! For those of you who haven't gone to Mike's blog: www.opportunityworship.blogspot.com
Gonna force my hand huh? FINE! It's done NAG!
I think we need to resolve this conflict the Christian way-in the parking lot.
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