Last week I had the priviledge of going on vacation with some great friends: Nick, Josh, Deric & Micah. Here we are at the condo in Newport Beach.

We spent a great deal of time around the pool, well, the hot tub, and had many interesting conversations. We met people from all over the United States, and were able to talk about Jesus with quite a few of them.

Here is a picture of the mighty Kaweah River, where we went rafting Wednesday. This is the steepest river in North America, starting at 13,000 feet above sea level. Normally a class 4 river, our guides told us that the high water pushed the rapids towards class 5! And we only fell out once. Ask Deric to show you his battle wounds.

Nick, Seth, and I enjoy the view of the Kaweah inside Kings Canyon/Sequoia National Park.

Deric, Seth, Nick Joanie, Micah and I at the base of 'General Sherman', the largest living thing on the planet. This tree is thousands of years old, and it has the size to prove it.

Deric on the coast in San Diego, 'America's Finest City'

This picture captues Nicks mood throughout the trip: 'Hakuna Matata'.

Here is the living room at the place we stayed. Just enough room for 7!

And you can't have a vacation without a walk-in double shower! A guy has to get clean.
nice pictures. i'm jealous.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
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