There is an article in Christianity Today that I found quite moving. The author describes how he went to see the movie 'Brokeback Mountain' against the voice of God. While in the theater, he was drug into the passions and guilt of his past, yet he says that God dealt with him there on the issue of forgiveness, and not being a slave to the past. A similar refrain to what we heard Sunday night.
This article is interesting to me for 2 reasons. 1) It stresses how careful we need to be in guarding our heart, and making wise entertainment choices. That includes seeing movies that uplift what scripture calls sin. 2) I believe many in the gay lifestyle are like the author, truly unhappy, and we as a church have a great opportunity to introduce them to Christ. How can we be more effective at this?
i agree... i have a homosexual co-worker. and i just hang out and love on him. i don't condemn him or his lifestyle, but by loving on him, i attempt to show him God's love.
Here's my take on homosexuals...ship em all to Canada! No I'm just kiddin..HAHA!! Anyway Ryan and Amy were correct when they talked about loving homosexual people with the love of Jesus Christ. But that can also get confused with being afraid to offend somebody and not doing anything at all, referring to sharing the gospel with them. If the church, in general, could get past the terrible habit of condeming and judging homosexuals and look at them as people who NEED to hear about a man named Jesus who sacrificed his life so we ALL can be free and have eternal life, then I think we'd see more and more homosexual people giving there life's to Christ. Doesn't the bible say we are ALL sinners and fall short of the glory of God? Well then what gives us the right to condem these people? We all sin everyday and we have to ask for God's forgiveness on a daily basis..and I'm just referring to the church in general not our church so nobody should be offended by this post. What homosexual people need to hear is not our judgement, but that God loves them and he wants to know them personally, and walk with them everyday of their life. Great topic Jon....I pray that the church starts to understand what it is doing wrong in this area because people's eternal souls depend on it! Think about that for a minute.
I think God is just as grieved with our heterosexual lust as he is with a homosexual's struggle of lust. Something to keep in mind when we look at someone living a lifestyle we consider "debased" and "unnatural"... if not for God, we would all be in the same place.
And until I enter heaven, my haughty sin of pride will send me to hell just as quickly as a gay individual's actions.
I'm an angel.
We can love them and still hate their sin, I am careful to overlook the Issue of Homosexuality. Many Christians are quick to say, we just want to Love them into the kingdom, that is only true to a certain extent. We need to confront the issues head on as Jesus did. This does not mean we love them less. But to pat them on the back and say in good time things will be better is the weak way out. Sin needs to be dealt with directly, society has soft touched issues until they become reality. It has been since the start of time that this has happened. Why are we Christians are so whimpy (myself included) when it comes to calling it like it is? There are times when I wish someone would get in my face and tell it like it is. It is all in the delivery I agree, but to simply say "they know where I stand" may not be good enough, perhaps the salvations question needs to be asked much more often then it is.
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