Don't miss this incredible Crossroads on March 8 as Matt Brown challenges us to have a more passionate relationship with Christ! Coming from Minneapolis, you'll enjoy Matt's humor and ability to share practical steps to grow in your walk with God. Be there and bring a friend!
-Why do I sometimes feel God's presence stronger in my daily life than other times?
-When it is so easy to 'see' God all around me (in trees, in birds, in nature), why is it so hard to feel his presence, especially when I need him the most?
-Why is it that at times when I seek God I feel no response? Am I asking wrong? How can I know?
Join us at 9:30 in room C-112 as we discuss ways to practice the presence of God in our daily lives!
I really enjoy listening to Matt speak, because he uses practical eveyday life examples whether it's his own life or somebody he knows he really knows how to connect with his audience. I regret not getting to know this guy when we were both attending North Central, what an awsome man of God. So any inside scoop on what he'll be speakin about? Whatever it is I'm sure it will be good. Hey Jonny boy when are we gonna get together for lunch? My week is always pretty booked monday-wednsday, but thursday thourgh sunday I'm very flexible, anyway that was a little off the topic. I pray that this wedsnday will change peoples lives and it wont be just "another wedsnday night in crossroads." Really lookin forward to Matt this wedsnday.
So nobody else has anything to say about this topic? Man I thought I was gettin into somethin cool and fun....this is pretty lame. Somebody say something!
I'm with ya tim. Let's get some discussion going here. What did anyone think of Sunday School today?
I think we need to get a message forum on the blog so we can start topics with different topics and keep them going.
Whaddayathink, brooks?
ed, i agree
I think its awesome he is coming back. What can I say.... I love Brown Matts. Wouldn't miss it for........
End Communication
The Instigator is me. I've been saying that since the 'State of the Crossroads Address' post back in Jan., but no one is listening to me.
just another random comment on the blog...but its in the right place.
ranch baccon dip.
2 16. oz. sour creem
2 ranch dressing packets
1 jar of real baccon pices (next to the baccon bits)
some shredded cheese...whatever looks goog to you.
Thanks everyone for keeping a secret and then showing up....
I suggest the following:
Have the XR worship team and the youth worship team alternate half an hour (or so, hopefully more) at a time, with 10-15 minute breaks in between.
A leader can share a few words or an inspirational prayer, etc. and people can kind of grab a snack, etc. It would maintain a more worshipful atmosphere, but be a continual, open-feeling evening.
Then go into a few minutes of facilitated group prayer and then back into the next worship set.
This can all be very fluid, but is a general format that I think could work to even include new people to XR without making them feel uncomfortable, yet showing them what real devoted worship (beyond just the music) is all about.
Meanwhile, by having the youth group involved, it brings in a fresh feel, and bridges the gap a bit between the two groups. It may possibly fade the current disconnect for most graduates in youth group when they look to XR or elsewhere. That is one area we sadly overlook or simply have not been able to accomplish.
Just so you know Ed, since it was one of your suggestions, A blog has been created for the discussion of all the off-topic comments made here. http://theoccextended.blogspot.com
Its not quite the forum that you requested, but its something.
On a central note, I really enjoyed Matt and the message, yesterday. A very pertinent message for probably any age group.
I'm excited for him speaking this Sunday night, too. May the blessing and direction of the Lord guide him.
End Communication
Spoke to JB, and he's all for this worship night. He and I agree that it should probably start out as an abreviated version of what we ultimately hope for.
We could possibly have a regular worship night from 7-8, and compliment it with a series on worship, prayer and intercession, culminating in a night of just several hours' focus on it.
I think it could be an awesome night, but it has to have a point. And it has to be something we work up to.
So what sort of things do you guys think we could discuss in a weekly series regarding this?
Why does it have to have a point? Its worship. We were MADE for worship.
Matt Redman's song "Heart Of Worship" is coming to mind right now.
I do think the worship night is a good idea. I appreciate the excitement for this. We're talking about starting something like this first during the normal Crossroads time slot on Wednesday night. I understand the sentiment that 'worship doesn't need a point'. And whether 1 person or a 1,000 people show up, it's meaningful to God. That being said, I'd like the work of the worship night to have the maximum benefit on the most people, including people who may not have experienced God's presence in a long time. I talked to several individuals in Crossroads on Wednesday who said they had not been in church in over 10 years! I want to make sure the worship night is easily accessible to people like this, and I think they're more prone to come out on a normal service night as opposed to the weekend. I could be wrong, but that's what I feel.
i agree that the the worship without reason needs to be seperate from all else. be its own thing. people who cannot make wed. evnings 7-830ish, may be able to make thursdays or fridays 9-12ishy. we should try to accomadate as many scheduals as possible, i.e 2nd and 3rd shift workers/night classes students. and not associate it with any gourp(crossroads,singles,oakcreek...
wisconin)but make it an open invite to all. i love this idea.alot.and it makes me very happy.
I know I'm happy.
How bout all y'all?
You happy?
*kicks heels* Let's schnitzel!
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