This was the scene yesterday at my parents house, with a TV crew and producer from channel 10 pointing a camera at me. What for? They are going to be doing a story about how I'm a 'human gps'. This all started from an article in the Journal back in November. What's funny is that my parents have no idea this is going on at their home: they're in Arizona.
The story should air in April. Who know's what show is next. The story has traction!
I can see the whole reality show concept, Brooksie.
A camara crew runs around with you and chronicles your life as you receive calls from all over about where to find the best restaurants, shopping and condo developments.
Outtakes could show other's explaining how your insight and assistance helped them get through some troubled time, and find their way when they were lost.
Then they can tie it into how you minister to people and help them find their way when they are lost SPIRITUALLY. Man, this could be the next big thing!
Fox's next smash hit: "The Finder"
Wow Jon, you're really becoming a star! I see Leno in the future for sure, maybe even Conan O'Brien. What an awsome story! Hey keep up the good work bud.
Hey by the way... when are we gonna have another bowling night? I've been itchin to get out there and bowl a 250! AMF here we come!
thats awesome! i could picture you being on leno
What TV crew was it Jon. No feeding the rumor mill without supplying the sugar! Comon, where's it gonna be?
We have bowling scheduled for April 19. I guess that's a ways away, perhaps we'll aim also for 3/22. I like to know what you guys like, so thanks!
It's going to be on pbs. I know it's not fox news, but it's a start!
Who in the world is Missy? Anyway.. hey Jon that's cool you are planning a bowling trip in the near future, we all need a little bowling in our life once in a while right? Haha just kiddin. What day and what time is that gonna be on PBS? I will definately be watchin that. Hey I just had a great idea... one of these wednsday nights we should just worship the whole time, we could call it the crossroads praise & worship service. Just an idea, anyway everybody have a good weekend and check out the auto show downtown!
I don't know when it will be on. They'll get back to me. I like the idea of a worship night; bring it up to Mike! ( I will too) And we might go Bowling very soon, perhaps this week. Some things are up in the air, but I'll let you know.
I'll bring it up to mike too! Tim, I like the name you gave it! "Crossroads Praise and Worship Service". It just has a nice ring to it!
How 'bout "XR worship set" with lights, candles and couches and tea/hot chocolate?
Maybe mix it up with some coffee and chocolate / juice and fine pastries with a fine night on the sofas!
I got two couches I can offer. haha
We are far off topic here, but thats fine.
On the topic of Crossroads Worship; I think its a great idea. I have an idea that I'll unpack for you. (hope Gina reads that)
There is a church up in West Bend that I've been to, and every 2 months or so they have a 24/2 (I think that's the name) worship service. What that translates into is a 48 hr. worship service. It starts on Friday night around 7 and goes to Sunday night around 7. They have numerous bands or worship leaders from the area all do 2 hrs(or so). And they keep the worship rather fluid. Switching bands never seemed to be a distraction.
It would be difficult for us to pull that off right away, so maybe we should try 6 hrs, or 12? Friday maybe? Get the youth involved, singles, and whoever else has a worship band. The MPR or Crossroads room may suffice. Get some couches and loveseats and what-not. (Thanks for the volunteerment, Edward!) I'm sure we can get more furniture.
Let people come and go as they please, or as the Spirit leads them. And its open to anyone. Crossroads can be the host, or not. Whatever.
If you read this, and have a thought, please share it. To appease Ed, don't post anonymously. I don't really care.
End Communication
That would be crazy fun! I wonder what kind of attendance there would be in the middle of the night?
I know I'd be there pretty late, especially if someone needed to run the soundboard, or help with whatever. Provided it was a weekend.
End Communication
I like Gabe's idea, and if you guys are serious about it, I will throw my hat in and see what I can do to help out...if this does in fact work out. Live music doesn't absolutely have to be a necessity either, and might I recomend a sign up sheet to make sure someone commits to being there during an hour or so, so that all hours of the time period are covered.
There is now a blog to discuss all of our off-topic comments. http://theoccextended.blogspot.com/
Some of our best comments and discussions are nowhere close to Pastor Jon's posts. But they should still be discussed. So go to Crossroads Extended if you would like to further discuss the idea of an all-worship service for XR. There will be more to come.
End Communication
I suggest the following:
Have the XR worship team and the youth worship team alternate half an hour (or so, hopefully more) at a time, with 10-15 minute breaks in between.
A leader can share a few words or an inspirational prayer, etc. and people can kind of grab a snack, etc. It would maintain a more worshipful atmosphere, but be a continual, open-feeling evening.
Then go into a few minutes of facilitated group prayer and then back into the next worship set.
This can all be very fluid, but is a general format that I think could work to even include new people to XR without making them feel uncomfortable, yet showing them what real devoted worship (beyond just the music) is all about.
Meanwhile, by having the youth group involved, it brings in a fresh feel, and bridges the gap a bit between the two groups. It may possibly fade the current disconnect for most graduates in youth group when they look to XR or elsewhere. That is one area we sadly overlook or simply have not been able to accomplish.
During the Gaither-style homecoming night we had last month, Pastor Greg said, "There ain't no meetin', without eatin'."
I'm assuming you're just upset at the food choices we have and the junk we eat. We could have a salad night, or something crazy like that. But H. Simpson once said, "You don't win friends with salad."(as a song)
I could quote all day long. But I'll stop.
End Communique
Acts 2:42 -
"They devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching, to the breaking of bread (they ain't sayin communion) and to prayer"
Here the expression “the breaking of the bread” is very closely linked to “the fellowship,” so much so that Luke describes the act of eating together as an essential element of a truly New Testament gathering. In the Greek, the words “fellowship” and “breaking of bread” are linked together as simultaneous activities.
Acts 2:46-47 -
"Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people."
The Bible speaks of eating in the context of believers gathering literally dozens of times. It is an essential part of the Christian group-life. Furthermore, the people we become the closest with are those we eat with. Take a look at your friends and notice the ones you feel the greatest bond with are those you unrestrictedly "break bread" with and share private meals with; it is a significant act!
Eating together should be a time of sharing and laughing and encouraging each other. It could be done more cheaply, more healthily and more substantially than perhaps we usually do. But church with no food? NEVER! :)
and so he says...
I was speaking to Matt Brown yesterday, and he was telling me some of the common traits of college ministries that are on the grow. He used the phrase 'buzz worthy'. One thing they have in common is offering free food. I think it leaves visitors with a great impression when we're generous to them and offer them a drink or donut, whatever. On the other end of the spectrum, though, I will be speaking about fasting in the near future. It's a practice that God has personally spoken to me about restarting in my life!
True, fasting is important, and I don't think we think about it nearly enough in our daily walk.
Now of course, fasting would be more of a personal thing, occasionally practiced as a community effort. But for the most part, I think it is perfectly valid to not only display generosity to our visitors but furthermore to bring them into our homes or another place of dining and spend some time talking about life and maybe even their lives.
I would really appreciate a message on fresher and rarer things like fasting, or intercession, etc.
that's piture is hilarious jon. i'm just glad i was there in the beginining...before it was cool that you had memorized the untited states...when it was still kinda freaky. jenni k.
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