Sunday, February 05, 2006

What a weekend!

This is one of the most fun weekends I've had in a while. Chris Tomlin and guests gave us an incredible worship experience Friday night. And Saturday, it was a blast seeing Crossroads go downhill-via snowboards, tubes, and ski's. And today was brunch, Di Carlo's 2 hours later, and baptism service tonight. I'd like to hear from you. Any thoughts on Friday's concert or the ski trip Saturday? You guys rock! I'll be in Phoenix this week until Friday.

Take care,


Anonymous said...

I thought the concert was "Indescribable!" In other words great!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I loved Louis Giglio's message...I've never heard that message in such a way. It really put things into a different perspective. The concert was great as well...and meeting Chris Tomlin in the meet and greet was fun as well. Although he seemed a little tired, he was a very nice guy.


Anonymous said...

i'm with rachel... the message during the concert really put into perspective how BIG God really is- and how infinately small we are, yet He cares about each and every one of us. it was a completely refreshing night and i was drenched in the Spirit once again!