I was priviledged to spend this past weekend with the Crossroads leadership team in Chicago, where we prayed and strategized for this upcoming year. Many great ideas were discussed, but what really struck me is the heart and passion these individuals have for this ministry! Excuse me for getting excited, but some truly great days will be ahead as we each do our part to reach out and welcome the new people God continues to bring us.
As I wrote in the last e-mail, I believe this Wednesday will be the biggest Crossroads yet! I ran into a friend from high school last week, and have invited him tomorrow. Don't even think about missing tomorrow night, and make sure to bring someone with you! I'll never ask you to do something that I'm unwilling to do myself. I can't wait to see you tomorrow!
News Items:
Good Samaritan: I admit it. On Thursday night a couple of guys from crossroads and myself were doing donuts in the icy parking lot at Miller Park. It was 11 p.m., and we got stuck by the brat haus! Amazingly, only 1 minute later, two young people came by and helped push the car out. I won't tell you who was driving, but their car looks like this!
Talking sex at church: A church in Indiana has come under attack in some circles because of a series they are currently doing about sex. Read more about the controversy and their defense here. I'm all for trying new ways for reaching the lost, and clearly the enemy has used the area of sexuality to destroy many lives. It's time for the church to take it back. Perhaps some of you would like to leave a comment on their blog also and voice your opinion.
(about Granger and their message)
I have not seen the billboards, or have heard the actual message being given, but my thought is that they are trying to do what they can to reach this world for Christ. It's similar to our sunday school message about the "Gutter". Sometimes we are going to have to step out of our christian circles and familiarities and find the lost where they are. They're not all going to come running to us looking for answers.
Sex is something that is everywhere in our society, and that's nothing new. To have a series of sermons on the topic, just might help clear up misunderstandings that people have, both believers and nonbelievers.
To reiterate, I haven't seen the billboards or heard the sermons, so I don't exactly know how they are presenting it, but I do pray that God is directing them.
(on their blog comments)
Placing aside the fact that Perry might go a little overboard with the sarcasm to prove his point (wow, does that sound familiar), I don't disagree with his praise of Granger. Although sarcasm can be fun, it can very easily be insulting. Especially when typed. And it seems that many were insulted by his remarks (also, sounding familiar). And either there are alot of misguided people posting on his site, or I missed the memo that Rick Warren was the antichrist.
I could go on and on and on, but I would like to see what other people have to say regarding this ordeal. And providing this discussion stays relative to its post, I probably will be back with my further thoughts. (as if you cared[sarcasm])
End Communication
Why not talk about sex. Teach what God made it for and why it should be saved for those who are married.
In todays society everything is incased in sex. We will educate our children about war, drugs, sin, attendance at church, tithing, prayer, so why not sex. It is one of the single most destructive tools that the enemy is using to keep our children in his world of sin. There was a study I read that polled 1,000 teens. Out of the 1,000 60 % had sex 2 or more times, and over 90% didn't use protection. It is our obligation and duty to step out of our confort shell and do as Jesus did and preach the warning of living such a life and all the things that could happen. If the enemy can use this to try and destroy God's kingdom then why can't we use it to save lost souls by showing them how one is suppose to scriptualy partake of this event
My sentiment is two-fold. First, I believe that sex is not discussed/taught enough in an pedagogical setting. I am positive that many individuals/couples/etc. have grand misapprehensions about sexuality and intimacy. Sound Biblical teaching might go a long way into demystifying some of these falacies. With as many distortions and half-truths we are fed about sex we need the church to be the "beacon of truth." Societal sex education is delivered by "Friends" and "Sex in the City." Sexuality is an issue we all have to face, wouldn't you rather be guided by the Church than by NBC or HBO?
Second, I believe the church has gravely mishandled how they deal with sexual sin. We must realize that sexual sin is covered by the atonement just the same as every other sin. The unarticulated sentiment is that God accepts everyone who is not a homosexual or engaged in an extra-marital relationship or has an illegitimate child, etc. We have no problem saying that Jesus meets the sinner where he/she is. But we have this notion that the sexually immoral have to disassociate themselves from their lifestyle before they can truely be a part of the Kingdom. Remember, Jesus ate with tax collectors, not former-tax collectors.
We've fabricated a such a fallacious guilt complex associated with sex that newly married couples--even without previous sexual encounters--have problems with intimacy. Couples can have major problems with intimacy (not even sexuality necessarily) because they feel they are still being condemned for past failures in the area of sexuality. They feel that their sexuality is on trial over and over again for the same offenses and in effect, they are being damned in perpetuum by their own guilt. (For more on this see the writings of Tim & Beverly LaHaye)
I agree, I have walked through church and you can even see how our youth is still being effected by this virus of fornication that is so contagious, isn't sex the reason adam ate the fruit (Eve using her body to tempt him). It is funny how society will accept movies which depict gory violence in such a horrific and demonistic way (SAW, HAVOC). Or accept the fact that there are 1,00,000's of pornographic movies and websites that depict human sexuality in such a bile manner. Our children and future generations can see these images with just a type in yahoo. But when a church steps up and brings this debauchery to light, we are now out of line in societies standards. Like the previous comment Jesus was considered out of line by the Pharisees when he preached and today we are living by his standards. I think it should be a subject that is always talked about. Then maybe the words of our father will become accepted standards of living
Right now, I don't have much time to comment on this personally, but I will later. I've been travelling across the state for two days and my wife is sick, so enjoy the article for the time being, and I'll comment later! :)
This seems appropriate to throw into the mix of this conversation.
10 Jacob left Beersheba and set out for Haran. 11 When he reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep. 12 He had a dream in which he saw a stairway [a] resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. 13 There above it [b] stood the LORD, and he said: "I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying. 14 Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. 15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
16 When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it." 17 He was afraid and said, "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven."
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. 19 He called that place Bethel, [c] though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear 21 so that I return safely to my father's house, then the LORD [d] will be my God 22 and [e] this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."
Jacob calls this place where he had the dream 'bethel', that is 'the house of God', the place where God is present.
It was transformed for him from a 'certain place', nowhere special, to the place inhabited by God himself.
Jacob's ladder: not a star for humans to climb up, but a ladder for God to climb down.
What happens to Jacob's life after his encounter with God?
Jacob's life begins to change, but not all at once.
He's not exempt from problems or character flaws. But his journey begins.
He makes a big risk of reconciling with his brother, instead of ripping him off, he gives back to him.
220 goats, 220 ewes and rams, 30 camels, 50 cows and bulls, 30 donkeys and a cat. Just kidding about the cat.
Jacob sees his brother after 20 years of separation and hatred.
The story continues:
Genesis 33:4
But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept. 5 Then Esau looked up and saw the women and children. "Who are these with you?" he asked.
Jacob answered, "They are the children God has graciously given your servant."
6 Then the maidservants and their children approached and bowed down. 7 Next, Leah and her children came and bowed down. Last of all came Joseph and Rachel, and they too bowed down.
8 Esau asked, "What do you mean by all these droves I met?"
"To find favor in your eyes, my lord," he said.
9 But Esau said, "I already have plenty, my brother. Keep what you have for yourself."
10 "No, please!" said Jacob. "If I have found favor in your eyes, accept this gift from me. For to see your face is like seeing the face of God, now that you have received me favorably. 11 Please accept the present that was brought to you, for God has been gracious to me and I have all I need." And because Jacob insisted, Esau accepted it.
'To see your face is like seeing the face of God'
Because once you meet God at bethel
Once you meet God in an ordinary moment at an ordinary place, you never know where he'll show up next. You could start seeing him anywhere, even in the face of someone who's been your mortal enemy for 20 years.
God is closer than you think.
Where's waldo:
On this painting, all adam has to do is lift his finger, and he could touch God.
Is it always that simple for us?
Not for me.
I'd like him to be more plain, more obvious at times, coming down in a cloud and parting lake michigan.
3 common questions we all ask at times:
why do I sometimes feel God's presence stronger in my daily life than other times?
When it is so easy to 'see' God all around me, in nature, why is it so hard to feel his presence, especially when I need him the most?
Why is it that at times when I seek God I feel no response? Am I asking wrong? How can I know?
'Sometimes he hides himself'
Where's waldo
Rainbow days
Noah received a rainbow from God. It was a sign of his covenant with Noah and his family? What do you think Noah's response was? Wow!
Abraham received a visit from God also, a reminder of his covenant. What was it?
On rainbow days, God's presence is hard to miss.
On rainbow days your life is filled with too much goodness and meaning for you to believe it is simply by chance.
You want to pray,
God speaks to you through scripture.
You believe that it's a good think to be alive, and each good thing fills you with gratitude toward the God who made it.
Sin doesn't even look tempting!
Rainbow days are gifts
They're easy to take for granted, thinking they'll go on forever.
Rainbow days for me, that I can remember, take place in hawaii. (story of rain, and sun and rainbow coming out on beach)
People who are wise learn to trasure rainbow days as gifts. To store them up to remember on days when God seems more elusive.
The danger, is we can think we've earned rainbow days, they reflect our spiritual maturity, and become judgmental on people who don't have rainbow days.
In the 'where's waldo books', waldo is easier to find in the beginning pages.
When someone becomes a Christian God seems to fill them with a desire to seek him. These are gifts from God, a spiritual starter kit.
After a while, the eagerness wears off, and God takes the props away. Then we can begin to grow in true devotion that is strong enough to carry on even when unaided by emotions.
Review each day, to find the little rainbows.
Ordinary days
Maitenance mode. Life becomes routine.
No major crisis, no major gain.
1 samuel describes the condition of Israel during the waning days of the era of the judges.
'In those days, the word of the lord was rare.' Rare, but not nonexistent.
Spiritual Habituation.
When new objects are introduced to our environment, we are intensely aware of it. Example, new restaurants around oak creek!
After time, we don't notice.
Repairs in houses.
Spiritual habituation is in some ways more dangerous than spiritual depravity because it can be so subtile, and gradual. It involves a failure to see.
We are drawn to children and saints and poets because they notice things that the rest of us have forgotten to see.
I hold this against you, Jesus said to the church at Ephesus. You have forsaken your first love.'
God sent Jacob a dream. Why doesn't he send us a dream every night to remind us he's there?
God wants us to learn to see him in the ordinary, rather than depending on the extraordinary.
Like parents raising their voice, vs. whispering.
Maybe God lowers his voice so we can pay attention.
Spiritual hiding
Sometimes we don't have much of a sense for God's presence in our lives, but there's no mystery to it. The truth is that our desire for God can be pretty selective.
A 2 and a half year old girl in the backyard discovered the secret to making mud.
This little child shows us how necessary it is to us that we be unobserved in our wrong.
Anytime we choose to do wrong, or withhold doing right, we choose hiddenness as well.
It might be that the most common of all prayers is simply this: Don't look at me, God.
Wasn't this the first prayer spoken after the fall?
God calls out to adam "where are you?"
I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid, so I hid.
Don't look at me, God.
Watching a movie we shouldn't be watching
Lashing out in frusteration and anger at a family member or friend.
An employee who is going to deliberately make a coworker look bad
A student who looks at somebody else's paper during an exam.
A church member looking forward to the opportunity to Gosip.
They all must say a little prayer.
Not out loud, but it's the choice our hearts make.
This prayer can become so ingrained in time that we aren't even aware of it.
Sampson became the poster boy for impulse control decisions. He broke every vow he made to God. And what was said of his life at the end:
'But he did not know that the Lord left him.
Foundational truths of my life with God
God is always present and active in my life, whether or not I see him.
Coming to recognize and experience God's presence is learned behavior, I can cultivate it.
My task is to meet with God in this moment.
I am always tempted to live 'outside' this moment. When I do that, I lose my sense of God's presence.
Sometimes God seems far away for reasons I do not understand. Those moments, too, are opportunities to learn.
Whenever I fail, I can always start again right away.
No one knows the full extent to which a human being can experience God's presence.
My desire for God ebbs and flows, but his desire for me is constant.
Every thought carries a 'spiritual charge' that moves me a little closer to or a little farther from God.
Every aspect of my life-work, relationships, hobbies, errands-is of immense and genuine interest to God.
My path to experiencing God's presence will not look quite like anyone else's.
Straining and trying too hard do not help.
that was the longest most random post ever.
Looks like you found my Sunday School lesson. I didn't know anyone read these old posts. It was the only way I had to work on the lesson at my condo and send it to church. You should try it too. No hassle e-mail, but not that much privacy.
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