Sean Bolli, who starting attending Crossroads in 2006 left this past fall for an internship with 'YWAM' or Youth With A Mission. He went through several months of training, and how he's getting hands-on experience in the Dominican Republic. He wrote to me this morning that he's been ministering in orphanages, to those who have leprosy, and even prostitutes. Join me in asking God to use Sean in big ways. Sean will return home later this spring.

Sean at an orphanage.

Doing a skit for those with leprosy.
Crossroads looks fun, especially the ice skating. Hey do you remember the name of that family from Turkey that visited last october? Hope Israel was nice. I'd love to visit that place sometime. I suppose I should go now.
I went to high school with Sean Bolli. He's always been a pretty big screw up. Last week he was arrested for larceny and is being charged with a felony. He faces up to twelve years in state prison. Way to go Sean. Praise God and all the lies of Christianity! I hope god can get him out of this one.
Praise God for His redeeming love. Sean truly has been a picture of God's never ending pursuit of our lives. I think of the scripture that says He who has begun a good work in you will not complete it until the day of Jesus Christ! Praise God.
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