What a great weekend we had up at Spencer Lake! We enjoyed beautiful scenery and weather, great times of worship, a fantastic speaker, and overall lots of fun. Above is a picture of the OC next to the lake. For many, the highlight of the retreat was the Saturday night service, in which we discussed the passage where God gave Jacob a new name. This was a meaningful time for us, and I'd love for each one who was there to share about what God did in their life in this comment session. I'll start it off!
Sunrise over Spencer Lake. Deric Goodman is the source of all these pictures. Thanks Deric!
Some fellas go for a nature trek.
Volleyball is always popular at camp.
Matt Ditzer goes for a spike!

On Saturday night God reminded me that my name means to be loved. It's very easy for me to fall into a trap that I have to perform well to receive God's love, but God loves me regardless. He loves me as his son, and not because of my ministry in the church.
Another person came and prayed with me that night, and through them God reminded me that I can depend on his spirit to guide me, and that his anointing is on my life, even when I don't 'feel' it.
I've always felt a little weak. I can't say that anyone's ever told me that I'm weak, but I've felt it. I have definately felt not good enough. I'm sure I'm not the only one. This weekend God spoke into me the name "Strength". I think that's because He's placed inside of us the ability to choose what's right. We don't have to submit ourselves to the lure of our flesh. God has already given us all we need to obey. I just have to be confident that God has given it.
God spoke to me at each service in a completely different way. During the saturday night service I wanted to hear from him so bad that I think I might have been blocking him out (hindsight). I told him he needed to give me the name he had for me(if he had a new one) through someone else. Less than 30 secs later a good friend tapped me and gave me a new name "loving." Sometimes I feel like I keep giving and never recieving, but that's not the key. A friend once told me that if you come to recieve you will never be filled, but if you come to give you will be overflowing. It's the truth. The ultimate reward for our services is waiting in heaven.
On Friday at noon I found out I was able to make it to the retreat and from that moment God started wroking. For those of you who know my family situation and the strugle I have had with my mother I recieved a much needed/anticipated for a yearish... letter from her right before I left for camp. Then at Saturdays service I could not stop thinking how this past year has stolen so much from me, but I have grown in God by leaps and bounds. And that is awesome... but I had no idea what name to give myself...Anyway a friend came to give me my name and it is "whole". Despite what has happened to my family I have become complete in Christ. And if I stay faithfull so will He. God is always last minute with me. Rarely early, never late...just last minute...but I love it!!!!!
AND, I just want to say that I was able to get to know the girls so much more. I loved the quality time we spent together....killing crickets-
First of all, I would like to say that I am so blessed by having so many christian friends in my life. God completely touched my life on Saturday night. He made me realize the many blessings I have in my life. A very good friend of mine gave her testimony a couple of months ago and I was so touched by it, her relationship with her mom had changed in the past year. And I want to thank her because through her testimony I've realized how much I love my mom and how much she loves me. On the other hand, God gave me a new name, "Princess." A dear friend of mine gave it to me and told me that I shouldn't settle for nothing less of what God has in store for me. He knows what I truly need in my life and the goals I have in my life and he will bless me even more than what I expect. Because He is God!
All that week I had a real awaking of God. Literally, he woke me up, and spoke to my heart to get-up and start working on some unfinished business I had been avoiding. So I started working. The next few days I finished. It was an incredible week to lead up to the retreat. Then the service came and the Lord was speaking again and he gave me the name “Finisher.” That was big for me because for a long time I’ve been simply setting on God, not really doing anything, and he wants me to keep work, keep moving, keep finishing his work. I later was given a second name, “Faithful” from a friend. In these names its helping me remember who I am and what we have to look forward too. So in faith, I will be finishing with Christ.
Man all I can say is AWESOME!
I needed this more than I knew. starting a new job on the other side of the county I pretty much had my whole life turned up side down and I needed to remember that God is still with me. even though I was questioning him why he took me so far away from everything and from everyone I knew at crossrcroads he still stood right next to me and assured me that It was just temporary and all for the best. as the verse goes "Though the sorrow may last for the night, his joy comes in the morning"
having a weekend with all my dear friends from crossroads and meeting believers from all over the state was both humbling and empowering especially being used as part of the service.
The Saturday service was incredible right when Justin gave the story of Abraham i got a shiver down my spine as if god was saying that I was to be named Israel the overcomer because of all my struggles and finally just turning everything over to him and seeing my struggles almost disappear in his power. I wish we could do this every weekend. I get excited just thinking that this will be what we get to experience 24/7 when we reach heaven. Thank you Lord. you truly are everything we need.
This camp was really unique for me. I have been to camps like this before but not as interesting as this...I agreed to go to the camp and my main goal was to network with fellow believers. I was able to talk to some guys from my church and also from other churches. God spoke to me through the worship and the sermons. I know that has God changed so many of us from our worldly ways. Eevrytime, I read or hear about the encounter of Jacob and God....God speaks to me that He can change any situation and any life. Of late, I have been struggling a lot but I have learnt to depend on God and I know He will open the door when the time is ripe.
I'd just like to say it sounds like you guys had an amazing time at Spencer Lake this year. After reading all of your testimonies it made me feel a little sad at first, mainly because I didn't get to go. I started to cry because you guys got to grow with God and each other on a deeper personal level. I wish I could have been a part of it. This is the first time I've missed going to Spencer Lake in the 3 years that its been held...and I just pray that I will get the chance to grow in the same way that you guys did.
Eric, I hope these testimonies have encouraged you. And, I'd really encourage anyone else who hasn't posted yet to do so!
All these stories have been made possible because we've opened up an opportunity to meet with God. Several months ago, I wrote an article on my blog that basically reminded us that God meets us in our surrender. Wherever we are, whatever we're doing, God CAN meet with us just like everyone who's posted here so far, when we surrender.
Eric, I know you know this, but you don't have to go to Spencer Lake to have God meet with you. You just need to surrender.
Here's a link to that article...
Justin, Then move up here. I have an extra room you can use.
yes, move. you already have the snowblower...
Well ya know Mike...I'm still looking for a place to stay when I come home in november. If its not available (or o.k. with Kelly)...spread the word "I need a new home as of November 6th". Thanks anyway, and talk to all of you guys soon.
Just a side note...I just changed my profile name...it is no longer omnineon, it is now Eric S. that way you guys will know who is leaving these random comments on here. I also added a picture, it is the best glass sculpture in all of Milwaukee. Its at the art museum. I'll talk to you guys later!
I haven't posted in some time. I understand, however, the power that comes in telling what God has done in my life.
For my entire life, I can remember being the person who was the one "who soweth discord among the brethern." It was almost as if my life's aim was to be divisive. God has dealt with me about that lately. Still, however, I felt the guilt from the torn relationships and missed opportunities that accompanied my actions. I felt as if my value was discounted based on my past malpractices. As I sat in service, I was defying God to do something in my life–almost like playground taunting. As I finally softened, God started to speak to me that my new name would be "Peace-maker." Over the next several days he began to show me ways in which I could fulfill my new name.
so Omnineon, did you find a place to live when you get home? Why don't you just rent out an apartment? or a rooming house
Anony Mouse
Nothing has panned out yet. I'm really praying that something will turn up. It is Monday night...almost Tuesday morning here, so that means 19 working days left. That doesn't give me much time to work with....but I'll figure something out. I'm gonna switch gears now, just so everyone knows, the earthquake Sunday morning was just off the coast off the big island. We were just pulling into the Honolulu harbor on Oahu. So we're fine, it just messed up our schedule for a while. I'll talk to you guys later. Toodles!
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