Saturday, July 29, 2006

No Crossroads August 2nd, but...

Join us August 6th after church for a grillout and softball match-up against the young adult group from Kenosha First Assembly of God! Start spreading the word, and start hitting the cages! If you're interested in helping out in grilling, or want to be part of one of the teams, contact Jon.


gmledbetter said...

I'm worried that might be an illegal bat you have pictured....just kidding. I don't really care.

Does anyone who reads this blog plan on playing, other than the current softball team members?

Mike Ganiere said...

I'm playing!!!

Eric S. said...

I wanna you have a spot on the team for someone in the middle of the pacific ocean??

Anonymous said...

omnineon???? Whats goin on man? Hope your livin the dream out there in the pacific? Where exactly are you located?