Saturday, April 15, 2006

Just a quick update on how things are going at the Easter musical. I was so excited as I walked to the orchestra pit last night, and passed 4 different individuals from Crossroads, all who have started coming since January. Not only was I blessed to see them, but each one of them brought their families, who don't attend the church. Way to go, guys! The crowd last night was the biggest I've ever seen at any musical we've done, and I know that over 500 salvation packets were requested, which were assembled by Crossroads Wednesday night! If you have not been to the musical yet, be sure to see it either tonight or tomorrow at 7! Or the 3:30 matinee today if you're reading this right now!


Mr. Ed said...

I believe the count was even better, i heard about 1,500. 590 on friday, nearly 400 more on saturday matinee and again on Saturday night. I didn't hear on Sunday night, but that would make about 1,500 just in two days! =-O

Anonymous said...

Great job to everyone involved this year! Mike G. did a great job, Billy, as did everyone else from Crossroads involved. And how about Tim Williams in the choir? Excellent job all around, I was impressed with how into the performance everyone was. Until you've been through the process, you don't really understand the time and the effort that takes place for these, and everyone involved came through.

8rent said...
