Saturday, April 08, 2006

Girl/Guy Night

I just returned from a great night with the OC fellas. The steaks were good at the Texas Roadhouse, and we hit the batting cages afterwards, as well as blowing the wad at the arcade there. We piled our tickets together, totalling amost 1,000, and bought lots of candy. A good night indeed. We're very blessed to have so many great fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Any comments about the night? And what were the ladies up to?


Anonymous said...


Mr. Ed said...

Well considering most guys like to eat more than girls like to paint pottery, I think the guys win in that category. Add to that the fact it was Texas Roadhouse... yah, soundly squared. Other than that, it sounds like the girls were a bit more over-the-top than the guys, and I think the culprit was that we planned a major portion outdoors, which forced us into the arcade, which forced us to pull out our wallets and see how little money we had to spend. Bummer!

As for the chick flick, I own and like that movie. :) Although the Pastor is somewhat on the naughty side. I dunno if Jon would learn TOO much from him. (he's quite the ladies' man though)

And what's with the chocolate fondue fascination lately? Jon's house, XR, girls night? let's mix it up. lol

Hilary, I don't hear you complaining about the food content of this glorious night. hmmm...

Jon Brooks said...

what are some of the lines that I could use from this chick flick? Just curious.

Mr. Ed said...

Man, you realize I would have to run about 15 miles for the same. Sheesh. I don't think I could bear it.