Next week Crossroads turns 3, and we're going to celebrate! Don't miss this important gathering as we take a look at where we've been, and where we're going. After you're 3 years old, you're no longer crawling, but able to walk and run. We're just getting warmed up for the big plans God has for us, so make plans to join us Feb 1!
This is absolutely hilarious. I have to congratulate the "opposition" on a much better speach tahn the Virginia Governor had for the Dems Tuesday.
Jon A Brooks, as you know I can't stand your existence. But you make a good point about the coffee sipping yuppies, they get under my craw. They're all about trends, and what's popular nothing about what lasts. And people who come to church dressed like bumbs. Get a haircut. Your not chic, it's not cool to look like a hobo (for the uneducated look up the real definition of chic, hint it doesn't mean girls). The people that look like hobos are the same guys always complaining they don't have girlfriends. It goes hand in hand, if you don't look normal no woman wants you. If you don't like girls at least dress nice for God.
However, "I" the real reason for growth isn't like you said donuts and yuppie juice. It's the real Pastor Jon Brooks. The ministry he brings is invaulable to Crossroads. I get really upset when people disresect God's annointed man, and treat him as an after thought. A little more reverence for the pastor, especially you Instigator.
"Strict standards on late night activities"
What is that suppposed to mean? This isn't the Prime Timers group. I don't have a curfew either.
"Donuts and goodies" contribute to a growing risk for heart disease and other ailments.
And Andy- I don't know who you are or why I'm under your craw. Mocha is the only place that is open late to hang out and play dominoes (which is what the OC yuppies do there)
What has this become? I don't understand why people are posting comments concerning other people's 1)Late night activities - Since when has going to a coffee shop become a sin? Some of the people that go to Mocha frequently, have been going pretty much since it opened and find it a very relaxing place. 2)Clothing - People should not be coming to church dressed like hobos, but I never have noticed any hobos wandering Crossroads. Let people dress how they want, agreeing that they should be presentable before the Lord, but if what they wear is what is in their budget, then we shouldn't be judging them. 3)Haircuts!?! - I'm going to leave this one to Matt Morginsky of the OC Supertones who addressed haircuts in the song "Adonai"
"Our purpose is to worship and make the body strong,
I don't care about your haircut, can't we all just get along?
Not just get along but to really love and care
If your eyes are on the Lord you can't see nobody's hair"
I plead of the people who read and post on here, just LOVE one another! I don't always agree with EVERYTHING Crossroads does, or its attenders either, but why can't we just seek UNITY amongst ourselves. If our eyes are focused on LOVE, then we can become a more unified group. It says in Psalm 133:1 - "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!"
In Ephesians 4:3 - "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."
And again it is mentioned in Colossians 3:14 - "And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity."
God just wants to LOVE one another. Please, lets make this a better place by doing more uplifting and edifying, and making more efforts everyday to LOVE each other.
I think that you all should think long and hard if this is the image of Crossroads that you would like to portray.
Think of all of the people who can stumble across this blog (which is linked through the church's webpage) looking for a safe community to experience Jesus, maybe for the first time.
Is this the representation that you want to give?
Let's get back to the heart of the Father. Is this glorifying His name and edifying His people?
VOR you nailed it on the head - where is this love and unity???
extentiously is not a word.
The sarcasm is clear in the rebuttal by Jon A Brooks. Not so much by Andy
First off people, the post was a joke. And as I said earlier it was actually kinda funny. All of you who got SO OFFENDED by the "lack of love" have got to understand that blogs are more than a sermon spot for serious discourse.
Comon, lighten up. I was surprised at everyone's reaction on here getting all ticked off. Did his points strike a chord? *grin*
Maybe the Instigator went on vacation with Jon because they have both been silent, but I'm sure the "I" would clarify he was only trying to use reality bent in a way to be funny. And who knows, maybe the "I" was talking about his own hair???
...don't do it,
when you want to go to it...
Anyway, sorry. Can't get the song outta my head.
I think that Jon Brooks does a great job, and the comments did nothing of the sort to demean him or Crossroads. You might even imagine that the post was more making fun of the REAL U.S. State of the Union, not XR.
And I'm with Hilary, Mocha is relaxing. I do think its "average" but the atmosphere is nice. Stone Creek has better coffee.
And finally, as for the wise-guy that went to dictionary.com to prove Mike G. wrong, I'm about to out-wise-guy you:
"Extent" noun
Space or degree to which a
thing is extended; length,
as 'extent of line'.
"-ious" suffix, latin
Having; having the qualities
of; full of: i.e. 'bilious'.
"Extentious" is actually a Middle English application of grammatical parameters, whereas "-ious" could be applied as suffix to almost any non-proper noun in describing fullness of the subject, and not in part.
So, to lighten the mood now, lets all watch a comedy and get our stiff necks loose again. I thought everyone used to have a sense of HEEU-MUH!
Keep it up, "I", cuz I've never seen this kind of traffic! The ratings have gone through the roof because of you. But first...
...go get a haircut.
Pay close attention. It looks to me that Mr. Ed has outed himself as the Instigator.
That rumor has been going around for a few weeks now. Notice how he always compliments "Jon A Brooks" posts. He's giving himself a pat on the back!
I'm still looking, but I'm not finding "extentious", or "extentiously" in the dictionary.
Hilariously (this is a word)
Here's something to consider- Jon A Brooks doesn't proofread. There are some spelling mistakes in both of the first 2 posts and Mr. Ed's 1st post. You're getting a bit sloppy there Mr Ed!
As for the spelling mistakes, it does concern me. I take pride in writing correctly, so please make note of where MY mistakes were. Maybe the "tahn". I was writing while at work, so I was a bit hurried, but I did proof-read several times. Darn! Maybe I'm lys-dexic!
Anyway, no. I'm not the Instigator.
I wear Old Navy, cuz I'm too poor to buy anything else.
I like Mocha, because it gives us a place to hang out. And they have cheescake!
I let my hair go from Thanksgiving till last week.
And finally, I think "jon a brooks" is funny, that's all. I don't defend him. I have yet to see something worth ridiculing or criticizing.
For those of you who anonymously peruse (that is a word) my writing for similarities and mistakes - did you happen to notice my posts are no where close to the same time as the instigator dude? not to mention his humor is a bit more like some others' I can think of. I find it funny, but abstract.
Talk to Matt or Billy or anyone else who reads this blog and you'll see they're as curious as I am that Jon doesn't seem to like this guy and deletes his funny comments. He's trying to be sensitive, and I can understand, but I think people get too sensitive/serious here sometimes.
Anyhoo, I don't think its anyone in Crossroads, personally. Some think its Mandigo. Maybe Jeremy R. heck, what about the girls. Hilary? ;) Any thoughts?
Hey, one more thing...
Is there something we can do to find the IP address of the Instigator?
Hey! Maybe Mr. Ed is right?! Maybe humor DOES transcend Unity, Love and representation. It doesn't matter that comments DID offend some people. Thats how humor works. Dont you read your bible??? Jesus did stand-up for the Jews several times. He always found time to offend someone, thats just how He loves.
Is the sarcasm extentious enough for y'all? By the way, "extentious" -still not a word. Just because similar words have been created with that formula(mr ed), that doesn't mean extentious is a word.
My cover, it seems, has been compromised on more than one front. It is I. I am the instigator...or am I?
Oh great, now someone is impersonating me. Maybe the defending his humor got to his head. *sigh*
Alright, "I", find another person to harrass. Maybe Mike G.? He won't get ticked off like Jon.
And you haven't even seen my evil side, so don't push me! Egg pelting? Make my day! Heh heh...
Nah, I think it IS Jason Stong. He's quiet but dangerous, you know it. And he's computer savvy, so... Hmmm.
Apparently proper Etymology doesn't crack your resolve. Haha, so not intending to sound arrogant (please don't misunderstand me), I would love to continue this random discussion about the origin of words. Since "anonymous" insisted on bringing it up again. :)
Even though it is way off topic, I find debate fun and engaging. So in that spirit, I insist that "extentious" is a word. As it employs certain middle english rules about proper suffix usage. This action of creating new words is called "neologism". "Neologism" itself is a new word, created around 1800 from the Greek words "neos" (New) and "logos" (word). So "extentious" is as much a word as:
"Toddle" or "Toddler" - a word George Elliot first phrased in one of his novels.
Most commonly, we use the word "D'oh!" from Homer Simpson fame.
"Catch-22" was a word coined in the 60's by Joseph Heller in his book of the same title.
Lewis Carrol wrote a famous poem (Jabberwocky) that used at least a dozen new words never used before.
The word "Tycoon" was an english translation of the Chinese word for "great prince".
"Potato" was invented in 1565; "Radar" in 1941; "laser" in 1960; "homophobia" in 1969; "quark" in 1964.
Either way, I find this discussion not only informative, but even jocose!
Look it up, that IS a word. :)
i don't think being a "know it all" is helping your image, mr horse. seeing the discussion and the fact that it is found in 0 of 8 dictionaries that i looked in to, i have to agree with anonymous, still not a word
Something to consider:
"...Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies."
1 Corinthians 8:1
edify moron
I was edifying, actually. I was defending Mike G.'s use against the "unedifying" criticism of the
"anonymous" fellow. :)
I don't intend to be a "know-it-all" but if someone wants to criticize someone else's writing, I'll find a way just for the fun of it to defend them. That's just my nature.
Fact is, you don't have one intellectual response to my research, aside from looking at 8 online dictionaries. Read this:
Or check out Answers.com and Wikipedia for my earlier references to neologism.
One more for a crap-shoot: Do you ever find yourself saying "I could care less"? Defense rests.
What makes me happy is knowing that Mike DOES know how to talk properly, and he can say "extentious" any time he wants in XR! lol
Anyway, so what topic shall we discuss now?
I actually have an interesting Blurb on my blog TheAmericanScratchpad.blogspot.com
about the Muslim violence. Leave your thoughts!
By the way, while we're talking about "edification"...
Does anyone find it ironic that as someone is talking about being "loving" and "edifying" they call me "Mr. Horse". lol, no biggie. I'm not offended at all. I'm actually enjoying this thread quite a lot, and I think Jon needs to start a message board so we can have more intense and monitored discussions. Nonetheless, show the love "anonymous". I'm sure I know you, but at least I'm not hiding behind a listless moniker. :) I think we all need some Cold Stone!
Jon A Brooks should take a little more time between his postings as 'Jon A Brooks' and as 'eddie willing iii.' Three minutes between posts? Not so good at covering our tracks, are we? Conjointly, Eddie is a III but a II. And he is #1 in our hearts. I don't mean to bloviate, but 32 comments about nothing is a tad plethoric. The nimiety of vacuity is simply stupifying. This blog has circumlocuted far from its indended purpose. It is a tragedy.
Ok, first of all whoever the instigator just needs to stop. Second, all of you out there that can't take a joke need to stay quiet as well. All of these comments that you guys have made after the instigator's orginal post have caused more friction than the original post itself. Why don't you ponder on that for a moment.
Most of the people here know that the Instigator was joking. That wasn't the only post to take offense to. Someone else chimed in with him and went on what looks like a little tirade against people who attend Crossroads, what they look like and their ability to attract others. It was inappropriate. It suggests we really do care what people look like. Hey, as long as you're dressed, I'm happy.
My cover, it seems, has been compromised on more than one front. It is I. I am the instigator...or am I?
I don't belive that Dan Ro. owns any Abercrobie vestments (or the like). He is a rather niggardly consumer.
Wow.Thats it.
Hey. Do you think Louis is going to come out?
Guys....I read most of the comments posted here. I feel that God doesn't care about what you wear and how ur haircut looks like. He is concerned about you heart and your eternal well being. Once our hearts are tuned with God, He makes us new from the inside. If He wants, He will convict us. Lets all strive to possess the greatest love of all...Gods love.
Guys, How can we see Gods love in people?
Well...Few years ago an incident happened in South Africa where a Cop was charged for illegal torture and gruesome killing of a Woman's husband and son. The woman and the Cop were standing in court for the last judgement trial. The man was not able to see the woman eye to eye because of what he did to her and her family. The woman was crying uncontrollably because she has nothing in life to cherish and to love. She has lost the love of her life and her only son. Few moments passed, the judge asked her if she has anything to say to this alleged cop, she requested him to come to her, looked into his eyes, embraced him and kissed him and said..."I forgive you, God loves you my Son". The cop was shocked, totally moved and he started sobbing and crying uncontrollably. He never imagined that this woman would forgive him in her entire life.
The entire court session ended after all who were present sang that great hymn of all times, "Amazing Grace".
Lets show Gods sacrificial love to others.
Just for the record, "niggardly" means frugal or stingy, not what some of you are thinking.
Point of clarification well taken.
For those that are a bit "emotional" on this blog, that clarification was necessary! :)
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