This Saturday, join Crossroads as we head into Chicago for a great time! We'll have dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, enjoy the city Christmas decorations, take in some games at the ESPN Zone, and perhaps make a visit to the Ghiradelli Cafe! It's New Year's Eve done right!
When: Meet at the church, in the south parking lot. We'll leave at 5pm, and return around midnight.
Cost: Bring enough money for dinner, dessert, and whatever you'd like to spend on games at ESPN Zone. If you'd like to get a free game gard, worth about 6 games, sign up for their mvp club here (read details first). To look at the menu at Hard Rock Cafe, click here.
RSVP isn't necessary, but to help in our planning, if you know you're going, please let Jon Brooks know. Jon's e-mail: jonbrooks@oakcreekag.org.
how much is this going to cost? why such late notice?
I'm bringing $40. It's possible to spend much less than this, but a good entre at Hard Rock will be $15, a few bucks to chip in for parking, and a few more dollers for dessert. Check out being an mvp member for espn zone, which provides 30-45 minutes worth of game play for free. The link is listed above. Hope you can join us! -Jon
Hey pastor im bringing 50 or sixty dollars and i need to know how are we getting down there get back to me thank you kenny b
Hi Kenny,
We're going to carpool to Chicago. Be at the church, in the south lot, by 5p.m. on Saturday!
Do not mean to sound rude, but please do not contact Gabriel Ledbetter about the trip. Contact Pastor Jon. Thank You.
In reference to the previous comment....I don't care what anyone says, I will always only contact Gabe Ledbetter. He is one hot papa, and my contact will only be to him. Sorry everyone else.
Return around midnight? What is this, Prime Timers, the Nursery? Have fun.
no, it's called, Jon has a job (pastor) and he has to be at church in the morning.duh...
some are stayig later. Just find a carpool that will be staying behind. Or don't. have fun yerself
however, if you choose to stay and don't come back with us, don't ever bother coming back to Oak Creek Assembly of God ever again.
God will be your judge...
FYI: The previous comment was not made by me. It's a cute comment, but not by Jon Brooks. But I do agree you shouldn't skip church the next day!
Has the Instigator been censored. HA HA HA HA
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