Greg Mandigo and I enjoy a beautiful sunrise over the Grand Canyon. Pictures can't capture the magnatude of this place. It's a deep hole!
Here's a picture of me chillin on the balcony of our hotel room at the JW Marriott in Phoenix.
Here's a picture of my friend Seth and I in front of our hotel. Seth and I met at North Central, and we keep in close contact. He's getting his masters at Fuller Seminary in Pasedena, CA.
Nothing allows you to enjoy God's creation more than off-roading in an SUV.
Ladies: Don't miss out on a great time of fitness, fun and fellowship Saturday mornings! Here the gals are pictured down by the lake, enjoying the spring weather. For more information contact Andrea Zahn at 736-9770 or Kristin Banks at 659-6565.
Sonia is marrying this guy, Edwin Aviles. Fredy, Hugo, Sergio and I visited Edwin on the job Monday in Chicago, where he has a very comfortable office.
Edwin works in the Television department of Living Word Church in Chicago. This church is huge! They bought out an entire mall, and made it into their facility. Even better, as soon as you leave the foyer, there's an Old Country Buffet attached! Edwin actually wasn't sleeping, and he is a very hard worker. Sonia and Edwin make a great couple!
On Saturday I had the priviledge of presiding over my first wedding: Mike Harman and Stef Carlson. The ceremony went off without a hitch, and there was plenty of Binaca to be had by the groomsmen, as they each took a shot coming down the aisle. The wedding party lines up for pictures after the ceremony.
Mike and Stef light the unity candle. And the air conditioning didn't blow it out this time.
Whitewater Rafting, campfires, bikerides, sandpit volleyball, Crossroads softball, and more! Check your e-mail this week for details on the many great events coming your way. Remember, your friends are always welcome!
Team Crossroads played its third game last night against Milwaukee New Life. The game was not won, but all had a good time. Thanks fans for coming out!