Thursday, March 24, 2005

Crossroads MATC Outreach

Heres a picture of our table with students interested in free donuts and more information about Crossroads. As you can see, Josh Kalis is hard at work spreading the good news.

Here is Madelin, Jon and Adam at our second MATC outreach representing with the Krispy Kreme hats and donuts. We had 300 donuts for our outreach.  Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Jake Olson and Joe Barnier take a break after moving lots of paper Saturday at City on a Hill. Thanks also to Greg Mandigo and Matt and Gina Ditzer for all their help!

Friday, March 18, 2005

Belated St. Patrick's Day Greetings...

Jennifer Rieger sent me the following e-card yesterday, and wanted to share it with everyone. The link is:

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Donuts win! Although the competition was close, our next MATC outreach will involve handing out hundreds of donuts. If you are able to be involved (I'm thinking next Wednesday morning, March 23rd), please let me know @! Thanks for your imput and participation!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Busy week ahead...

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night at Crossroads, excited to hear your ideas for what to hand out at our next MATC Outreach. It's amazing what God can do through the simple handing out of coffee, or a warm smile, when we do it on God's behalf. Matthew 10:42 says "And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward." So bring your best ideas, then we'll vote, and we'll collect an offering to give to this cause. Thank you for all of you who have such a heart to reach everyone with Jesus' love. God's favor is with us!

PS-Plan on heading to Steph Rivera's house after Crossroads for a fiesta.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Let's go out on the town tonight (Saturday, March 12)

Some of us are thinking about seeing the new Robots movie, or Pacifier. Knowing you guys like I do, I bet you're also hungry, so we should plan on getting something to eat. I was thinking of meeting around 7pm. If you want to hook up, call Adam Coppens, or call me, Jon. My number is 339-4631. Until then, take er easy.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Check out this picture of Matt Ditzer and Nick Ness enjoying the upper penninsula of Michigan last July. Moral of the story: when life hands you lemons and alot of rain, make lemonade!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Happy Birthday Marlo and Nick and...

There have been lots of birthdays lately, but today is Marlo Kasper's, so make sure to give her a call and wish her happy birthday! Yesterday was Nick Toniazzo's birthday, so it wouldn't hurt to give him a buzz either. Let's celebrate these 2 birthdays by going out Sunday night after service!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Welcome to Crossroads...

If you're a MATC Student and reading this, welcome to Crossroads, a college-age group designed just for you. If you have been wanting to have a closer relationship with God, we're here as a resource. Please consider joining us this Wednesday, March 2nd, at 7pm, and check out our meeting. We'll have worship, an easy to apply message, and free pizza afterwards. We look forward to meeting you.

You'll find us at Oak Creek Assembly of God, 7311 S. 13th Street, next to south shore cinema. If you have any questions, or would like prayer, please contact us at
Matt Brown is speaking in Crossroads this Wednesday, March 2nd! Don't miss this incredible speaker. We will be meeting in the Music Hall behind the sanctuary, at 7pm.